Ntukuma is made up of an amazing group of storytellers gifted as authors, teachers, culinary specialists, heritage studies scholars, workshop facilitators, communication experts and tour guides. Many of them are award-winning practitioners in their particular fields. Their blended skills mark Ntukuma as a one-of-a-kind organisation where storytellers function as story listeners and story writers dedicated to making every storytelling event a memorable, value-added experience for each member of every audience.


Meet The Core Members

Amina Blackwood-Meeks
Award-winning actress, performer, workshop facilitator, motivational speaker and custodian of oral tradition.
Gwyneth Harold
Prolific award-winning writer for young adults
A-dZiko Simba
Award-winning writer for young adults
Humroy Whyte
Poet, musician, drama in education specialist
Damian Herridge
Theatre Arts Teacher and culinary specialist
Hassane Gordon
Award-winning culinary specialist
Janet Crick
Culinary tourism operator
Hazle Williams “Yahmin”Vaz
Community Development specialist
Kasike Kalaan
Taino Chief, The Hummingbird Tribe
Jerry-Neal Richards
Patsy Gordon
Natoyan Garwood